All Hail the Powers of the Mighty Commodork-64

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2. [-=Mario Paint Composer=-]
3. [-=RepEATER BOoK=-]
4. [-=ArduINo For HAMS - KW5GP is RaD=-]
5. [-=ABSinThe BBS=-]
6. [=-TRiAD=-]
7. [-=GuNSHIP Music=-]
8. [-=Saint iGNUs aka Richard Mathew Stallman=-]>
9. [-=PureData/GEM=-]
10. [-=DyNE OS=-]
11. [-=Trisquel GNU&Linx=-]
12. [-=BoBbBY WhITiker=-]
13. [-=HaIKU OS - It ROCKS!=-]
14. [-=Fairlight - WHEN DREAMZ COME TRUE=-]
15. [-=U.S. Geological Survey=-]
16. [-=How t0 r34d qR koDeZ wItHouT phOne or COmputer=-]
17. [-=The iNTeRn3t 0f toMoRRow n33dz GNUnet TODAY=-]
18. [-=The eYe - a convenient library & archive=-]
19. [-= Journal of Space Law: All Issues =-]
19. [-=PlaY MaSTeRMiND the BEST *board game* eVeR wHiCh is BaSeD oN a earlyier pencil and paper code-breaking game Bulls and Cows=-]

Life is Too Short to *NOT* Q R P

Here is today's update. November 15, 2024 No Arctic science event is announced today. Russia and China Conducting Joint Arctic Operations for First Time, Coast Guard Says Russia and China have for the first time started conducting joint operations in the Arctic, dramatically stepping up their activity in a part of the world where the U.S. and Russia share a maritime boundary, a Coast Guard commander said Thursday. Stars and Stripes Icebreaker �<80><98>Aiviq�<80><99> to Join U.S. Coast Guard Before End of Year to Bolster Arctic Presence Commercial Polar icebreaker Aiviq will join the U.S Coast Guard inventory before the end of the calendar year, officials announced during a Congressional hearing on Capitol Hill. The service had requested $125m for FY2024 to acquire the Aiviq from Offshore Service Vessels, part of Edison Chouest Offshore, but few updates on the status of the endeavor had been announced. gCaptain The Big Thaw - My Adventures Filming with Atmospheric Scientists at the Top of the USA Could microscopic particles from thawing permafrost entering into the atmosphere be the tipping point that will soon alter our weather forever? A documentary filmmaker seeks answers. The event is part of Berlin Science Week. Berlin Science Week NEW THIS WEEK | 10:00 am EST on November 19, 2024 | Virtual Anchorage Security and Defense Conference Join Boston University�<80><99>s Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future and the University of Cambridge�<80><99>s Scott Polar Research Institute for the next event in the Arctic Environmental Humanities Workshop Series. The Arctic Environmental Humanities Workshop Series is co-convened by Adriana Craciun, the Emma MacLachlan Metcalf Chair of Humanities at Boston University, and Michael Bravo, Professor of the History and Geography of Science at the University of Cambridge. Event Link November 19-21, 2024 | Anchorage, Alaska USA Anchorage Security and Defense Conference The inaugural Anchorage Security and Defense Conference (ASDC) will convene defense and security practitioners to discuss challenges and opportunities in the circumpolar Arctic and neighboring regions that have international security implications. By providing a forum for dialogue, the ASDC will develop potential solutions and actionable recommendations for practitioners. This year�<80><99>s theme is drawn from the U.S. National Security Strategy which identifies the 2020s as a �<80><9C>decisive decade.�<80><9D> The inaugural ASDC is an opportunity to examine the geopolitical shifts of the 2020s and their nexus in the Arctic, the North Atlantic, and the North Pacific. Event Link NEW THIS WEEK | 6:30 pm Alaska Time on November 20, 2024 | Virtual US Marine Mammal Commission and the Bering Strait Region The Marine Mammal Commission (MMC) is the oversight agency for marine mammal research and management activities nationwide. Learn how the MMC addresses human impacts on marine mammals and their ecosystems in the Bering Strait region, including concerns about increased ship traffic and at-sea military exercises! Event Link December 9-12, 2024 | Ottawa, Ontario Canada ArcticNet�<80><99>s Arctic Change 2024 ArcticNet's 5th International Arctic Change Conference (AC2024) brings together researchers from the natural, health, and social sciences to meet the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing Arctic region. This conference will push the boundaries of our collective understanding of the Arctic and strengthen our ability to address the issues of today and tomorrow. The Arctic Change Conference brings together a broad range of research in and about the Arctic and northern regions of Canada and the world. The AC2024 advances our collective understanding with an inclusive view of the North spanning from Inuit Nunangat, across the Canadian territories and provinces, circumpolar Arctic regions, and beyond. Event Link December 9-13, 2024 | Washington, DC USA AGU24: What�<80><99>s Next for Science Each year, AGU�<80><99>s annual meeting, the largest gathering of Earth and space scientists, convenes 25,000+ attendees from 100+ countries to share research and connect with friends and colleagues. Scientists, educators, policymakers, journalists and communicators attend AGU24 to better understand our planet and environment, opening pathways to discovery, opening greater awareness to address climate change, opening greater collaborations to lead to solutions and opening the fields and professions of science to a whole new age of justice equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging. Event Link January 27-30, 2025 | Tromsø, Norway and virtual Arctic Frontiers 2025: Beyond Borders The challenges of today go beyond deadlines decided by governments, territorial claims of oceans and lands, or borders drawn on a map. Addressing global issues requires collaborative efforts and swift decision-making. Dismantling the barriers between science, business, and policy is necessary to deepen communication and enhance our understanding of the pan-Arctic ecosystem. Modern challenges, such as the impacts of climate change, fostering sustainable development, and navigating political tensions, are deeply interconnected. Whilst the financial, societal, and environmental costs of the green transition will not be fairly distributed worldwide, the Arctic is part of the solution. Event Link January 27-31, 2025 | Anchorage, Alaska USA Alaska Marine Science Symposium The Alaska Marine Science Symposium (AMSS), Alaska�<80><99>s premier marine research conference, has been bringing together scientists, educators, resource managers, students, and interested public for over twenty years to discuss the latest marine research being conducted in Alaskan waters. Over 700 people attend this conference held annually during the month of January. Each day of the conference highlights important Alaskan marine ecosystems: Gulf of Alaska (Tuesday), Arctic (Wednesday), and the Bering Sea & Aleutian Islands (Thursday). Research topics discussed range from ocean physics, fishes and invertebrates, seabirds, marine mammals, to local traditional knowledge. Since its inception, NPRB has been a proud sponsor and one of the leading organizers of AMSS. Event Link February 4-6, 2025 | Toronto, Canada Annual Arctic360 Conference Arctic360�<80><99>s Annual Event brings together Northern and Indigenous governments, institutions, and corporations; global finance; state leaders; mining, innovation, and other industry leaders; and Arctic experts from Canada and around the circumpolar North to advance the conversation and foster action for building a sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous Arctic region. Event Link NEW THIS WEEK | March 18-20, 2025 | Bodø, Norway Arctic Emergency Management Conference Emergency management n the Arctic is a fast-changing landscape. There have been many developments to emergency prevention, preparedness and response, while at the same time, risk factors and environmental and social conditions are rapidly changing. This event is hosted by the Arctic Council. Event Link March 20-28, 2025 | Boulder, Colorado USA 4th International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) In lead up to its 35th anniversary in 2025, the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) is coordinating a multi-year planning process for the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) that will engage Arctic researchers, policymakers, residents, and stakeholders from around the world to collegially discuss the state of Arctic science, the place the Arctic occupies in global affairs and systems, to consider the most urgent knowledge gaps and research priorities that lie before us and to explore avenues to address these research needs. This event is hosted by a consortium of US institutions, including the University of Colorado Boulder, University of Northern Iowa, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Alaska Pacific University. ICARP I, II, and III focused the attention of the world�<80><99>s researchers toward the value of strategic international coordination in accelerating progress in addressing critical challenges. ICARP IV will build upon this concept by striving to achieve consensus and build collaborations among the leading scientific, academic, environmental, Indigenous and political organizations currently concerned with Arctic issues. Event Link NEW THIS WEEK | April 2-4, 2025 | Anchorage, Alaska USA Arctic Encounter 2025 Arctic Encounter, North America�<80><99>s leading conference on Arctic policy and business, annually gathers over 1,000 participants from more than two dozen countries. As a nonprofit NGO, Arctic Encounter convenes and hosts dialogues and policy debates among international leaders, business executives, Indigenous representatives, federal agencies, diplomats, scientists, and policymakers. Hosted in downtown Anchorage, Alaska, the event offers participants a unique blend of arts, culture, and critical discussions, contributing to a deeper understanding of Arctic challenges and opportunities. Event Link Visit our Website External links in this publication, and on the USARC's World Wide Web site ( do not constitute an endorsement by the US Arctic Research Commission of external Web sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities, the USARC does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. These links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this newsletter and the USARC website. US Arctic Research Commission | 4350 N. Fairfax Drive Suite 510 | Arlington, VA 22203 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice

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